Friday, February 10, 2017

Richard Avedon Analysis Questions

Richard Avedon Documentary
  1. Richard Avedon looks for a face that is contradictory, complex and at the same time connected For example is the laugh cynical, ironic, painful or shows a scream. He carefully observe all the detail in the facial features on the subject to create his portrait photography. Contradiction-  take things that usually don't work together and create something beautiful from them. Two unusual ideas put together in order to create a contrasting effect in the portrait, Complexity- is how busy and noisy the portrait is, knowing which feature of the subject to focus on, Connected- is how the contradiction and complexity are connected and creates harmony.
  2. By taking portraits that are simples, clean, without props and on a white background, Avedon can isolate human from the surrounding to focus on the human and their facial features.
  3. A painting can also be made full of emotions and those emotions in the painting is framed at that specific moment. Therefore paintings can also capture and stop the feelings and scene at that specific time.
  4. I wonder how Richard Avedon was able to use the cameras in that period of time to capture fast movement. 

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